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June 24, 2015 | International

RIAA Welcomes Passage of Important Trade Legislation

The U.S. Senate passed legislation which will modernize digital copyright protection.

Today the U.S. Senate passed Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation. TPA serves as a vital tool in securing passage for important trade accords such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement which, among other things, aims to help U.S. creators compete in a global marketplace by modernizing and harmonizing copyright protection for the digital age. Below is a comment from Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) Chairman & CEO Cary Sherman:

“We congratulate Senators Hatch and Wyden and Chairman Ryan for their leadership in crafting forward-looking Trade Promotion legislation, and in working with other key Congressional leaders and the White House in shepherding this vital trade legislation through Congress. This vote demonstrates leadership and resolve in seeking to expand economic opportunities for the U.S. economy as a whole, including of course the creative community.

“The music industry is helping to drive the digital economy and illicit sites undermine that marketplace by unfairly competing with legitimate platforms. Securing adherence to the rule of law on a global basis is a prerequisite for advancing our economy and our culture. We hope that the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement can be quickly concluded under which our trading partners commit to a more robust response to existing impediments to effective protection of creators’ rights.”